Session Leader: Andrew Rose – Resident CISO – EMEA – Proofpoint
Eddie Whitingham – Director, Security Awareness Content Development – Proofpoint
Session Title: Security awareness is stale. How can we change it?
Session Synopsis:
Security Awareness has been a focus for security leaders for several years now, but the improvements made by picking the ‘lowest hanging fruit’ appear to have dried up, and external attackers are still successfully focusing their attacks almost entirely on our employees via email, SMS and even voicemail.
When the average click rate is around 12%, and one third of these people will hand over credentials, it’s clear that there is still much work to do. But how do we make our next security awareness course, more effective than the last one, when staff are overloaded with both workload and competing education?
Join our discussion where we will analyse and debate:
· Why do people still click despite the training they’ve had?
· What teaching strategies could we consider going forward, and what are the pros and cons of these?
· How do you measure progress?