Alliance - A union formed for mutual benefit

CISO Digital Alliances Session Information

Date: Wednesday, 29th November 2023

Time: 12:00 – 13:00 pm (WAT)

Location:  Invite only by Regional Director – Microsoft Teams

The Alliances chapter is a gathering consisting of business risk, information and cyber security leaders who have been highlighted as being able to offer value in terms of content and influence. It is designed to form alliances and to drive progressive change in the business world and beyond.

The content and format is designed to talk together, learn better and experience more. 

Format: Invite only Security Leaders debating pertinent, real life issues through the form of digital open forum.

Chatham House Rule will be applied


  1. Depth achieved around business objectives where the opportunity of experience within the attendees is leveraged
  2. Benchmarking and verification of thought processes outside of existing networks i.e. the broader CISO Alliances community
  3. Industry progression and unity in impacting the challenges of the common business objectives


A union formed for mutual benefit


Digital Alliances Chapter Overview

1200-1300 WAT

Session Leader: Dr. Vincent Olatunji, CDPO, CPPPS, FIIM, National Commissioner/CEO – NDPC

Session Theme Title: Navigating the corridors of the NDPC – Strategic Road Map and Action Plan (SRAP)

Session Overview and Synopsis:

During the session, Dr. Olatunji will delve into the intricacies of the Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC) Strategic Road Map and Action Plan (SRAP). As data protection regulations become increasingly crucial in our digital landscape, understanding the roadmap set forth by regulatory bodies is paramount for organizations and individuals alike.

The session will allow for an interactive closed door setting in order to receive a comprehensive exploration of the strategic plan.